Empty Force

Discussion in 'Tai chi' started by jalan7, Jan 8, 2009.

  1. Fire-quan

    Fire-quan Banned Banned

    That's not fair - I thought I was Red Ken all the way through that match! No wonder the buttons didn't seem to work. Rematch.
  2. Infrazael

    Infrazael Banned Banned

    If you can't even throw a mere Hadouken, then you're not worthy of being called an INTERNAL martial artist.

  3. derrek

    derrek Valued Member

    grow up , if you can see this you arnt a master
  4. Kosterz

    Kosterz Close Quarters Combatant

    I'll throw in a couple cents here. I don't believe that Empty Force in the sense of those videos is possible, but my Sifu has shown me push hands and I have been sent to the floor with very little effort from his part. But it's less an Empty Force, its more of making perfect connections through the body. It's interesting when it's applied to you, but I've never been knocked down like those in the video have. That looks faked and is absurd. I would never agree to do that. I would fall as my body reacts to it, whether its hard or not.

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