Doubt on protein shake

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by RazorKaine, May 13, 2007.

  1. RazorKaine

    RazorKaine Valued Member


    Well... always train (HIIT, strenght training, etc. i.e. Ross Enamait stuff) about at 5 PM, three or four times a week.

    When should I drink protein shake?
    I get 90 grams with soy milk, in a day, every day.

    Should I get: 45 gr in the morning (shake at work as snack) and 45 gr in the afternoon (7 PM after workout)?
    Or I should take all 90 gr after workout?
    How should I distribute the intake?

  2. Ad McG

    Ad McG Troll-killer Supporter

    Depends on the rest of your diet. I wouldn't take 90g at once as a lot will probably be excreted but you could probably take 60g over mid and post workout. Spread it out but take a fair bit around the workout. Does the protein count include the soy milk?
  3. narcsarge

    narcsarge Masticated Whey

    I agree with Ad. When you say "protein shake", what do you mean? Is it just soy milk alone or are you using Whey protein?
  4. RazorKaine

    RazorKaine Valued Member

    Nope it's 45 gr whey protein powder + 200 ml soy milk, twice a day.
  5. Apotheosis

    Apotheosis Valued Member

    2 shakes a day?

    I wish I could afford 1 a day then I could stop eating so much damn Tuna and Peanut Butter
  6. rattfink1

    rattfink1 New Member

    My personal trainer recommends a protein shake in the morning and one after workout. From what she says and what I have read it is best to get protein within 45 minutes of a workout.
  7. Ad McG

    Ad McG Troll-killer Supporter

    You must be looking at some very expensive whey shakes because whey is one of the cheapest protein sources around.

    Razor - sounds good, split it into those portions. I would include more carbs post-workout.
  8. Incredible Bulk

    Incredible Bulk Eat-Lift-Eat-Sleep-Grow


    bulk unflavoured whey is a godsend.

    i agree with admg that 90g in one hit is wasteful, its the same principle as multivitamins, the body cant take it all in in one massive dose so it takes what it needs and you **** the rest down the pan, hence the flurescent yellow wizz.

    i have a shake:

    * first thing in the morning with water
    * post workout with waxy maize
    * last thing at night
  9. Ad McG

    Ad McG Troll-killer Supporter

    I've read in a couple of places that wazy maize starch isn't all it's made out to be because once you mix it with protein the effectiveness of inducing an insulin response and restoring glycogen stores is drastically reduced. Stick to dextrose/maltodextrin for post workout. It's cheaper too, peanuts from MP.
  10. Incredible Bulk

    Incredible Bulk Eat-Lift-Eat-Sleep-Grow

    yeah i've read the same, it sucks as i bought 5kg of the stuff last order.

    I find dextrose very very sweet, to the point that its like drinking sugar water
  11. narcsarge

    narcsarge Masticated Whey

    Bump Taekwondoguy! I tried the waxy maize a couple of times and the taste was bit dodgey. Not that I was drinking for taste though. ;)

    I prefer the dextrose with the unflavored whey.

    Like Taekwondoguy, I have my shakes at the same times. Though I might add in some Oats for my morning shake.
    Last edited: May 17, 2007
  12. CosmicFish

    CosmicFish Aleprechaunist

    Couldn't resist, sorry. :D

  13. narcsarge

    narcsarge Masticated Whey

    Daym U! I ain't English but I gave it a go any way!

    *hides behind couch*
  14. Mark Cotton

    Mark Cotton Valued Member

    I always advise my clients to take a shake post training. I vary the amount of quick digesting carbs like dextrose depending on the session. If it is very high intensity strength training for legs I would say 50-60 grams of protein with about 100 grams of dextrose )less dextrose for say--arms).

    The protein is important, but don't forget your muscles are glycogen depleted. also, don't forget glutimine and creatine.

    As for the night time shake I would go with cassien as it is slow digesting.
  15. Ad McG

    Ad McG Troll-killer Supporter

    That's where maltodextrin comes in. A 50/50 mix of both is usually a pretty good balance taste-wise. It is still sweet but not over-powering. I take dextrose simply because it is cheaper and I slam my shake anyway so I don't really care about the taste that much.
  16. redsandpalm

    redsandpalm shut your beautiful face

    The way I work protein generally is work out my lean mass. Eg. I weigh 200lbs at 10%BF, so my lean mass is 180lbs.

    So I aim to eat 1g protein for every pound of that (generally winds up being more, but that's a minimum level), so 180g protein/day in this case.

    Now split it up between all your meals, so say 30g protein at each of 6 meals during the day. Now it's easy, every time I eat I'm looking for 30g protein. If I have oats & an omlette at breakfast then maybe I reach 30g protein without any whey. If I don't have the omlette, then I might use a shake to make up my 30g.

    Generally I'll go for a shake rather than food straight after my gym workouts, so I'd have your 45g shake then. Whatever amount of protein you're having, double it in simple carbs (if you can get a dextrose/malto mix cheaply then fire away, though straight dextrose works just fine too). In general I'll have a bigger/smaller shake depending on the session I'm doing.
    Last edited: May 17, 2007

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