Don't get hit in Mid Air!

Discussion in 'Off Topic Area' started by Kof_Andy, Feb 9, 2004.

  1. Kof_Andy

    Kof_Andy New Member

    Were doing a stunt today involved with a high backflip fall. I was suppose to back suicide then get kick in mid air, but I guess I jumped a little too high, and Eric nailed me right in the knee while im still in mid air, then I misjudge the landing and banged my injuried knee on the ground. I suppose is a bad idea to do this on the same line as the flipper, since mistakes could be made. Fault on both sides , now we know from experience. When doing this make sure you can't hit the person if you misjudge the distant. Anyway I'm heading off to the doctor now, since it hurt so bad.
  2. Mrs Owt

    Mrs Owt New Member

    I hope you didn't do any damage. Good luck.
  3. surgingshark

    surgingshark Valued Member

    Two Words: TELEPHOTO LENS ;)

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