Difference between styles

Discussion in 'Aikido' started by Mohammad, Sep 30, 2018.

  1. Mohammad

    Mohammad New Member

    hello there
    Hope you're doing good

    I would like to ask about " aikikai,takemusu,iwama " aikido styles
    What are the major differences? And which style is the best " specially if used at street fights "

    A lot of thanks
  2. aikiMac

    aikiMac aikido + boxing = very good Moderator Supporter

    Aikikai is umbrella organization for all of aikido. The head of the organization is O'Sensei's grandson. The headquarters is in Tokyo, Japan. The idea initially was that each country would have one national aikido organization affiliated with the Aikikai, but in reality numerous high-ranking aikido instructors migrated from the Aikikai headquarters and started numerous organizations around the world that are recognized by the Aikikai.

    Iwama style aikido is that taught by Morihiro Saito, a longtime student of O'Sensei. Saito preserved aikido exactly as it was taught to him, without any changes, whereas other masters taught their own interpretations. That's why "Aikikai" is not, strictly speaking, a style of aikido, but Iwama is.

    Takemuso aikido = Iwama aikido
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2018
  3. Eindhoven Aikido

    Eindhoven Aikido New Member

    Aikikai is not a style, it is an organization.

    Why do you want to fight in street ?
  4. abnjj

    abnjj New Member

    Aikikai is much like how there are different federations of Jiu jitsu a good style of aikido imho is yoseikan

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