Diet that Builds Chi

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by United We Fall, Jun 8, 2007.

  1. seiken steve

    seiken steve golden member

    Fish ate the link before i could watch, which track you choose?

    Quite a tupac fan myself.
  2. Moi

    Moi Warriors live forever x

    Hit 'em up
  3. Willsy

    Willsy 'Ello love

    Some people will deny sense even if it slaps them in the face with a medium cooked steak (I eat mine rare)
  4. seiken steve

    seiken steve golden member

    try it raw next time...
  5. Suhosthe

    Suhosthe A dwarf! A dwarf!

    I wouldn't normally jump in before finishing reading the thread, but I have a testimonial for you.

    I was a vegetarian for 15 years. I steadily gained weight throughout this time despite eating 'healthy' whole grains and lentils and beans etc. and avoiding 'unhealthy' foods like butter, meat and full-fat milk!

    I suffered from depression and anxiety disorders and despite trying pretty hard, found it almost impossible to fall pregnant and, when I did, I miscarried.

    Eventually hospitalized for anaemia requiring multiple blood transfusions and a very long course of iron tablets to treat, I decided enough was enough and ate the first dead flesh I'd had in a decade and a half.

    Unsurprisingly, I have never looked back. Today, I eat a low carb, medium protein, high fat diet and feel better than I did when I was 10 years younger.

    It's taken another 5 years to actually reach this point, but if you really want to go by 'feel' and not by 'fact', then let me tell you that these 'unhealthy' protein and fat rich foods taste natural, fabulous and totally delicious and my 'feelings' are quick to let me know how unhealthy a swift jolt to my blood sugar from some carb-tastic 'treat' is.
  6. airweaver

    airweaver Valued Member

    interesting story.

    Though its not vegetarianism im advocating. Its raw.

    Perhaps you were not getting enough nutrients? Being low on iron it sounded like you were not getting enough greens. google 'green smoothy revolution' Blending greens into a juice is the best and easiest way of getting them into your system.

    Liking food by taste can be a crippling handicap.. because you eat to feed your tongue, not your body. Simply the wrong way to eat.

    Develop a sensitivity to the nutirents food offer, not the taste sensation.

    People want sugar when they think theyre hungry.

    Try going without any sugar for a week... and prepare for cold turkey. Sugar is the daddy of addictions, Ciggarettes and alcohol pale in comparison.
  7. CosmicFish

    CosmicFish Aleprechaunist

    Partly agree with some of this. I'd disagree with your assertion that blending greens into a juice is the best and easiest way of getting them into your system. You can get iron from leafy greens, certainly enough to be healthy on, but you're likely to have to specifically include iron-rich veg to do this. Meat in general not only has higher levels of iron than plants, but the form of iron (haem iron) in meat is more bioavailable to humans than the form in plants. Someone who is iron deficient is going to want to get iron into their system as efficiently as possible. These days, obviously, that's going to mean supplementing, but if you took supplements out of the equation, meat and animal products are a far more efficient method of getting iron than vegetables are.

    I'd also partly agree with you about not trusting taste. In the old days, going back before processed foods, it was a reliable way of telling what your body wanted, but with the advent of processed food, it's true that this is no longer the case. However, once you cut all the crap out of your diet and eat only proper food, you can trust it again. As a general rule of thumb - if your body craves it and we've been eating it (or very similar) for thousands of generations, it's probably a "need". If it craves it and it's a modern concoction, it's probably a "want" and best avoided or at least moderated.

    And finally, you're preaching to the choir here when you advocate going without sugar! Suhosthe does say she's on a low-carb diet. Sucrose and/or HFCS are usually the first things to go when anyone cuts carbs.
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2010
  8. Suhosthe

    Suhosthe A dwarf! A dwarf!

    Yeah, I wrote my original comments on my mobile phone at 2am, so I was coming back to edit my point about the diet I was on.

    I didn't mention the time I spent persuing the raw food diet in addition to veganism and vegetarianism; living without dairy and without meat. I regularly consumed leafy green vegetables like spinach.

    I followed a 'detox' diet which was primarily raw food, blended smoothies, with added (non-wheat) grains and pulses; did everything I thought was healthy, in fact, and yet I still nearly died from anaemia.

    I used to think that eating healthily was a matter of willpower over taste; truthfully, the first time I ate a healthy, grass-fed organic steak, I realised what a load of bull that was.

    My 'tongue' tastes sugar as trouble, now, and I can tell you I have a pretty refined palate.

    You're confusing taste with craving, and there are bad foods which will make you crave them. Your body is wired to crave that sugar high, and it's not the taste that's doing it to you.
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2010
  9. Moi

    Moi Warriors live forever x

    So how did you have that cooked?
  10. Suhosthe

    Suhosthe A dwarf! A dwarf!

    Very, very rare!

    YUM!! :D
  11. Moi

    Moi Warriors live forever x

    Another one with the rare meat. How long did it take to kick sugar?
  12. Suhosthe

    Suhosthe A dwarf! A dwarf!

    I have to confess that I sent a steak back at a restaurant the other day for being too rare. It was actually still red on the outside and even I have to draw the line somewhere.

    Actually, I kicked sugar over the span of 6 weeks. I stopped eating refined sugars and replaced them with a lot of fruit; like if you shook me you could hear the seeds and pips rattle. Once I got over the 'low-carb flu', which took a week, the amount of fruit I wanted to eat started to naturally tail off.
  13. CosmicFish

    CosmicFish Aleprechaunist

    I do hope that was deliberate. :D
  14. Suhosthe

    Suhosthe A dwarf! A dwarf!

    Naturally. :D

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