it actually a good thing.

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by Chris.B, Feb 29, 2004.

  1. Chris.B

    Chris.B New Member

    I was in my bio class today, and I've come to a desion that going on a diet is bad. I mean, eating less junk food is good, but I mean starving yourself or eating less then you feel comsterbale eating would make you gain wight and feel weeker. I think the best is just to eat what you feel like eating...expetion of lots of cookies and anything that comes from mcdonalds. So just want to know what you guys think of it?
  2. TigerAnsTKDLove

    TigerAnsTKDLove Ex-TKD'er 2005.

    I was in my bio class today, and I've come to a desion that going on a diet is bad. I mean, eating less junk food is good, but I mean starving yourself or eating less then you feel comsterbale eating would make you gain wight and feel weeker. I think the best is just to eat what you feel like eating...expetion of lots of cookies and anything that comes from mcdonalds. So just want to know what you guys think of it?

    okay in a diet you plan things out.... you don't go and starve yourself thats why theres diet programs. people go on diets to stay healthy theres nothing worse than being fat and having a heart attack cuz your too lazy to diet. aly off of the cookies and mc donalds it aint all healthy. once in awhile its fine. but eating junk everyday is bad.
  3. totality

    totality New Member

    you both said the same thing, except chris doesn't understand the difference between general nutrition and fad diets, and it's impossible to understand either of you.
  4. blessed_samurai

    blessed_samurai Valued Member

    First of all, you have a million diets. A lot of them dieting fads, the two that come to my mind is the low carb diet and the South Beach Diet. I think dieting is fine, in fact, if you stay away from certain foods, say like sugar, then you'd say I'm on a sugar free diet. Which is actually a pretty good diet to be on, considering the consumption of sugar leads to fungus growing in the body.

    But anyway, dieting is fine as long as one keeps in mind that moderation is important.

    If you're starving yourself, then that's all you're doing and that's what you might call a starvation diet
  5. Mika

    Mika New Member

    Nope, ain't so.

  6. shipto

    shipto Atkin's for life

    Erm fad diet eh its a way of life for many people South Beach is just a slightly different low carb diet.
  7. Colucci

    Colucci My buddies call me Chris.

    Generally speaking, what people call "diets" are unneccesary, poorly-planned, and do not produce lasting results. What we should focus on is a lifestyle change, which incorporates nutrition and exercise to reach a designated goal.

    It's been shown that approximately 85% of people who join Weight Watchers and manage to lose weight, will yo-yo back to their original weight or higher within 2 years time. Fad diets are just that, a temporary fad, not lasting long enough to provide permanent results.

    The mistaken emphasis has been on weight-loss, not fat-loss. If you just want to lose 10 pounds, that's incredibly easy. But, if you want to lose 10 pounds of fat, while keeping your muscle, that's slightly more involved. The focus should not be on getting the scale to read a smaller number, but rather to improve your body composition (bodyfat/lean muscle mass).

    The general rule is, if you're losing more than 1 or 2 pounds each week, you're likely burning muscle, which is never acceptable. If you don't make every effort to retain muscle mass, while losing bodyfat, to paraphrase Dr. Fred Hatfield, "you'll go from being a big fat person to a smaller-sized fat person."
  8. Poop-Loops

    Poop-Loops Banned Banned

    I'm trying to go on a diet. Instead of eating 4 slices of pizza, I'll eat 3. 2 would be enough to fill me up, anyway.

    Starving yourself isn't a diet. But if you cut down all the food you eat by 5%, you won't starve. Your body will get less calories than it needs, and start burning fat. That's what it's there for.

    IMO though, you can eat anything you want, as long as you burn it off later. I couldn't stand not being able to eat cake or icecream or a hamburger. I'd rather work out later. Plus, working out gives you a stronger body.

  9. Chris.B

    Chris.B New Member

    So basicly eat what you want...just do some sort of exersise to keep yourself in shape afterwords. So, the best diet is just to eat 5% less? I have a couple of friends that eat less then normal people (like near nothing in MY opinion) and there like I can't eat this because it has to much carbs and blah... So tthe best way to go is just eat what you feel like having just get excersise after?
    Last edited: Feb 29, 2004
  10. Mika

    Mika New Member


    Chris, theoretically it's remotely possible (but: bad diet = bad health, the most likely, over time). It would be advisable to eat a lot of veggies (0.5 kilos a day) and enough of good fats (unsaturated). Those two have been shown to make a huge difference in weight management.

    The diet should also be complex enough that you will get in all the nutrients your body needs. Eating 3 pounds of candy a day surely provides all the calories for that day, but not much else, if you allow me to exaggerate...:D

    See this, it might help a little:

    Good luck :)


    PS. BWMF, good post :)
    Last edited: Feb 29, 2004
  11. Chris.B

    Chris.B New Member

    Thanks a lot, it clears up a bit, I was just confussed that well diets were just plane bad. This helps a lot thanks again.
  12. Poop-Loops

    Poop-Loops Banned Banned

    I said eat anything you want, not only what you want. You should still eat as many veggies and fruits as you can. Just that after you get what you need for the day, you can keep eating, as long as you run it off later.

  13. Chris.B

    Chris.B New Member

    Well I'm all good then...I it bad to eat a lot of cookies...I mean a lot of cookies. I get a lot of exersise, but I also eat pretty healthy with fruits and stuff to...I don't just have cookies and milk.
  14. shipto

    shipto Atkin's for life

    I just love the way thin healthy people think and I wish to any god that would listen it was that easy trust me it isnt always and you have to be there to know.
  15. Picksey

    Picksey New Member

    From the Cambridge online dictionary:

    1 [C or U] the food and drink usually taken by a person or group

    i.e. 'diet' should be a life-style, not a fad. Unfortunately, 'diet' has come to mean a quick-fix fad in which you attempt to 'correct' poor eating habits by depriving your already deprived body even further, and generally just end up unhealty and miserable. If you *habitually* eat healthily and give your body all the vitamins, minerals, fats, carbohydrates etc. it needs, there's no reason you shouldn't enjoy a reasonable number of cookies too, and there'll be no need to 'diet' - ever!

    The way I figure it is you should take care of your body - you only get one, and it's yours for life.

    EDIT- Shipto, you're right: it's not easy. But stick at it long enough and it becomes habit, and therefore easier.
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2004
  16. Mika

    Mika New Member

    Good post, Picksey :)

  17. blessed_samurai

    blessed_samurai Valued Member

    Fungi prefer an alkaline environment, and fungi bacteria set up an alkaline condition in a vicious cycle. Carbonated beverages alkalinize the gut, promoting fungal growth. Sugars and simple carbohydrates such as white flour products provide food for the fungus, causing it to proliferate. Conversely, fungus can contribute to hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar, by taking sugar that is needed by your cells.

    Candida overgrowth has become a serious national problem, mostly in the past few years. Our American diet, steroids, antibiotics, and use of birth control pills have caused this fungus to run wild. For the few who are eating to avoid the problem, it is becoming a losing battle. Food processors are now putting antibiotics into the food. Candida albicans is a single celled fungus that resides in everyone's bowels. When the normal bowel bacteria, acidophilus, has been reduced with antibiotics or diet, this fungus runs rampant.

    And highly glycemic foods like sugars and flour leads to fat being stored. sugar depresses the immune system, making the body's white blood cells sluggish and disinclined to attack invading organisms.

    But hey, I guess if I'm wrong about that, then I guess I'm wrong that eating excessive amounts of sugar can lead to an onset of diabetes.
  18. KickChick

    KickChick Valued Member

    Making temporary changes in eating habits or eating prepackaged foods from weight loss programs will help with weight loss.... however, when you reach your goals or go off the "diet", you are more likely to return to old eating habits and gain the weight back (and possibly more).

    To have permanent weight loss, you must make permanent changes in food choices and eating habits.

    Check out the Nutrition Links ... that are found in the beginning of the H & F forum for some good info!
  19. Mika

    Mika New Member


    Samurai, you funny joker you :D

  20. Picksey

    Picksey New Member

    Thanks, Mika :)

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