Danger of punching with permanent tendon damage?

Discussion in 'Injuries and Prevention' started by HawksShadow, Dec 30, 2018.

  1. HawksShadow

    HawksShadow New Member

    I broke my wrist and forearm years ago. It took years of restretching my tendon in my power hand to even get it to where it is now. After painful warming up and I can regain near full mobility again bUT even through more rehab therapy I may never go back to normal.

    I have no problem with power punches on the heavy bag , never in pain from punching, my fear is if my wrist ever gets bent fast when not warmed up if it may destroy the tendon? Maybe leave my main hand useless? I just don't know
  2. aaradia

    aaradia Choy Li Fut and Yang Tai Chi Chuan Student Moderator Supporter

    Hi HawksShadow,

    Have you asked any medical professionals about this? We are willing to help out, but this sounds like a question for your Dr's as well as here.
  3. Pretty In Pink

    Pretty In Pink Moved on MAP 2017 Gold Award

    Ask a physio, not a doctor. Doctor will just tell you to stop training.
    Mushroom and axelb like this.
  4. Shmook

    Shmook Valued Member

    Train knees and elbows more...
  5. Latikos

    Latikos Valued Member

    Mhm, yes and know, in my opinion.

    I do agree to ask a Physio additionally but wouldn't ignore the doctor.

    Also not all doctors forbid to train.
    My Doc keeps me from training *when necessary*, but also tells me to *keep* training, when possible.
    Right now I am having trouble with my shoulder (for a while now, to be honest, because I didn't go to the doctor btw) an will get physical therapy for my back as well - but the next thing my Doc told me, was to keep training nonetheless.

    Personally I'd go to both.
    Especially before trusting some strangers online, honestly, even though I understand the motivation of asking here.
    Dead_pool likes this.
  6. Mushroom

    Mushroom De-powered to come back better than before.

    Ive broken my hand during a competition.
    Ive torn my knee (twice)
    I tapped out to an armbar a bit late and now have a clicky elbow.

    I had replacement knee surgery in September and was back to (limited) grappling by December.

    So as my advice? Go see a sports physiotherapist. Google one for your town and you'll probably find one, working out of a small office or in their own home.

    A GP Dr is exactly what it is on the box. "General Practitioner". ie they generally know whats up with you and then send you to a specialist for a reason.

    Unless that Dr themselves is a sporty person, they wont really have an idea of longterm effects and gains.
    axelb, Pretty In Pink and Dead_pool like this.
  7. Monkey_Magic

    Monkey_Magic Well-Known Member

    I’d say the best healthcare professional would be a Sports Physician :)
  8. axelb

    axelb Master of Office Chair Fu

    Some GP may refer you, but I have had instances where they recommended to stop doing the sport.

    A qualified sports physio is a great idea, I can echo others, especially from past experiences.

    What is your profession? If you need hand dexterity, then stopping or reducing certain parts of training may be an advisable step (even if it's a bitter pill to swallow).
    I used to do arm hand/arm training, and stopped this as my profession requires much keyboard use.

    I have the same elbow issue, tapped too late to arm bar, right elbow clicks (especially with certain Pushups).
  9. Dead_pool

    Dead_pool Spes mea in nihil Deus MAP 2017 Moi Award

    Unpopular opinion warning.

    Generally if you tell a GP you need a specialist referral because you make your living coaching a sport, their helpful, if you say I kickbox a little and my hip hurts when I sidekick, they just say don't kickbox then. Because it's a waste of limited resources.

    The NHS has limited funds, and GPS are the gatekeepers to that.

    If you want to pay to see a private physio etc go for it, but wasting a GP appointment for this, unless it's your main source of income is just daft.
    axelb likes this.
  10. Grond

    Grond Valued Member

    You're probably just as likely to re-injure the tendon doing a million different things that have nothing to do with bagwork, assuming you have properly wrapped your hands.

    You do wrap your hands right? I hope you don't just put gloves on. Proper wrap keeps your fist and wrist and small bones stabilized especially over many repetitions, it's critical for preventing injuries all over the place.
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2019
  11. HawksShadow

    HawksShadow New Member

    Thanks to all

    Of course I wrap my hand's when I train. I've been training for years with this tendon damaged with no problems . My issue is if God forbid one day I get in a situation where my fist flies with no wrap and or some other outside force bends my wrist to quickly if it'll cause new or more sever damage .

    Thanks again.
  12. Grond

    Grond Valued Member

    Well then stop being afraid. In this case it's your choice.

    If your only problem is you are afraid, the fix is easy, just train carefully which is what you should be doing in the first place. It never hurts to have a doctor look at your injuries, you'll accumulate these over time if you're training at any sort of serious level. I have a previously badly sprained wrist and sometimes aggravate it just doing pushups, but never on the bag. I reason that's because I can wrap my fists up for striking the bag but not for routine house chores, exercise.

    I have a nasty case of ankle lock that sprung up one day while I was mowing my lawn. It affects my boxing drills, bagwork, and cardio exercises a little. I should probably see a doctor about it, it's minor pain but chances are I'll have this vulnerability for life, like you have yours. It doesn't pay for fear the injury, but it does pay to tend to them.
    axelb and aaradia like this.
  13. Morik

    Morik Well-Known Member Supporter MAP 2017 Gold Award

    I'm in the US and I've found this to generally be the case. Some GPs will come around a bit if you tell them you are really, really into this hobby/sport and want to keep doing it, but most will try to talk you out of doing it.
    On the other hand, there are doctors out there who will help find the best way for you to keep at whatever activities you want to be doing:
    - Practices (not sure if the name is the same in UK, basically a group of doctors running a business together in the US) that are sport-focused tend to be good for this. (E.g., the orthopedic Dr. I see for non-minor injuries is part of a practice named 'pro-sports orthopedics', and unless it was basically impossible for you, they won't tell you not to do your sport.)
    - Physical therapists tend to be more "what can we do to get you doing the stuff you want to be doing" and less "you can't do that/you'll never get better if you keep doing that/etc"
    - Recommendations of doctors/etc from coaches at the gym/dojo tend to be pretty good too.
    Dead_pool likes this.

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