constant movement

Discussion in 'Other Styles' started by ArchAngel, Oct 23, 2003.

  1. ArchAngel

    ArchAngel New Member

    I am a self-trained martial artist who has spent time in American Karate and felt largely unfufilled by the lack of, well, anything in it. I realize this is most likely a result of a poor school but this is beside the point. After that I have tried to learn as much about any martial arts I could, so that I don't end up boxed in by any style like I was. I am truely intrigued by constant movement styles, like drunken boxing, capoeira, and and drunken monkey (not that I'm looking to argue about their worthiness as martial arts). I am wondering if anyone can give any other styles which use reguluar and irreguluar movement in interesting ways, like these styles. Any examples or suggestions are appreciated.
  2. erikido

    erikido New Member

    Doesn't sound like you are looking for

    movement as much as you are looking for flash. All arts, when taught correctly, should use movement. Personally I think the type of movement that those styles you named are kind of limited. But, if that is what you like then go for it:D
  3. zun

    zun New Member

    Bagua (Bagwa chuan) uses haphazard movement. It's a soft-internal style and so is very difficult to learn without an instructor.

  4. ArchAngel

    ArchAngel New Member

    erikido, I didn't ask for your view on these arts. I clearly asked for other arts with similar styles is that really difficult to understand?
  5. thiaboxr2

    thiaboxr2 New Member

    I would say various forms of silat. There are alot of techniques that allow you to go from a standing postor to sitting postor and vice versa and still maintain a defensive stance.

  6. erikido

    erikido New Member

    What do you mean by other arts??:confused:

  7. Killerbee

    Killerbee New Member

    There is constant movement in every fighting style Ive ever seen. Maybe you should name one without constant movement.
  8. zun

    zun New Member

    I think he means a martial art that uses haphazard movements to confuse, daze and move around the opponent.

    For instance, Karate, Muay Thai and Boxing - the fighting stance is usually face on and opponents circle each other.

    Whereas something, like drunken style and capioera, the movement and stances are sneaky and camouflage the attack.
  9. Saz

    Saz Nerd Admin

    Hi ArchAngel, Welcome to the forum.

    Erikido was just posting a response to your post. It wasn't offensive or sarcastic in anyway, so try to be more friendly in your responses next time.

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