Business Opportunity

Discussion in 'General Martial Arts Discussion' started by Coges, Jun 20, 2005.

  1. Coges

    Coges Valued Member

    I want to get some opinions on a business structure opportunity that I have seen work outside of martial arts and want to know if you think that it could relate to martial arts as well.

    It involves organising different martial arts schools into a central location to share premises. I have seen it work particualrly well in the food industry as well as the wholesale market.

    Basically the structure would be to secure a large enough premises in a fairly densly populated area to house five to ten different martial arts schools. The schools don't have to be affiliated in any way initially. By doing this we could pool our resources to share things like insurance, rent, utilities, etc. Each school would have its own area, whether it be seperated or not, to operate in. Or if there were suiting timetables they could possibly share an area.

    I believe that it could give smaller martial arts schools a chance to participate in facilities that they otherwise may not have had access to. It could provide a great chance for the greater martial arts community to meet and share different ideas and thoughts, even crosstraining.

    Other benefits may be a communal gym, cafe, therapy area. To give others a chance to benfit from the idea.

    I have seen such premises for rent for around AUS$60k-100k p.a. Which the smaller would probably house five or six schools whilst the larger would go close to nine or ten schools. As I don't currently run a school of my own, is $10k to $15k per year an average price, too expensive or cheap?

    Obvisouly there are going to have to be agreements sorted out that everyone is happy with and probably a lot of politics to begin with and lots of the finer details worked out but as a concept what do you think?

    Also, let me know if you have seen this concept before and whether or not it worked.

    Thanks very much, your feedback would be greatly appreciated.
  2. Coges

    Coges Valued Member

    Just another point. To existing school owners, if someone came to you offering an opportunity like the one above to move your school to a location nearby, what would be your thoughts? What would you want out of an opportunity like this that would make it more attractive for you?

  3. Falcore

    Falcore almost acceptable

    Cooperation would probably be the hardest part.
    Martial artists seem to have a bit of trouble with this, haha.

    Anyway, It's been done many times before. I trained at the Qld Self Defence Centre (I think that's what it was called...), and whilst it was on a smaller scale than what you are looking at, it was basically the same. When I was there, we had Hapkido, TKD, 2 Aikido, Karate, Kickboxing, and Submission Wrestling all training using the same floor. It seemed to work well, and they have been operating under the same system for at least 7 years now, from what I understand.
    My current school trains in TKD and Hapkido (one club), has 2 yoga and pilates studios, 4 full time day spa/massage rooms. Great place to train. They also conduct things like conferences and the like, and I believe some sort of cafe thingo is on the way.
  4. ap Oweyn

    ap Oweyn Ret. Supporter

    I really like the idea. I'm not sure it'll work. But I like it.
  5. Garibaldi

    Garibaldi Valued Member

    There are a couple of clubs around my area (UK) that operate in this way. Several schools in one building. Generally it tends to be one style/association has hired the building and effectively rents it out to other smaller schools on individual times to supplement income and cover costs etc.

    Advantages are cross advertising and share of costs, availability of many arts in one area etc

    Disadvantages are for individual training areas the place has to be BIG, and that (at least here in UK) tends to be cost prohibitive. Also the problems is that timetables do clash when organising the set up. Exisiting clubs are never willing to change their training nights.

    However, where it has been done, it seems to work pretty well.
  6. TheCount

    TheCount Happiness is a mindset

    I think what you would need to do is get a premises with plenty of kit so they don't wanna go elsewhere. Then just agree with them on the cost of them using the hall or agree that they split the total running cost of the premises between them
  7. chrispy

    chrispy The Hunter

    Like many responses here, I think it's a very good idea in theory, but may be hard to put into practice.

    It would probably be easier to go with a fewer numer of schools 3 or 4 and have at least 2 floor areas to have training in at the same time.
  8. Coges

    Coges Valued Member

    Thanks for the responses guys. The training areas that I have in mind could probably fit in 4 medium sizes schools (20-30 students) at one time. I appreciate the idea of sharing floor space but ideally would want to do this as you end up with all sorts of cross school problems. ie. They left equipment out, or didn't clean the floor. The place I have scouted has two levels which could house two schools a level. There is till further room for development into areas like gym and cafe if other businesses want to get involved.
  9. old timer

    old timer Just well worn !

    As already been said there are lots of these type of academies in the UK. Disadvantages are as already mentioned is accomodating people on the nights that they want at the time that they want (do most people seem train on Tuesday & Thursday between 6.30 and 8.30 pm? The biggest problem I can see though is if there are a mixture of traditional and modern styles, from experience the traditional "masters" do not like their students to see another style in case they prefer what they are seeing over what they are practising also the instructor ego thing raises his head and the good instructor rubbish instructor scenario, dont train with him because my instructor says he is ..........good idea in theory but probably more practical to have one organisation that trains in multi styles such as JKD, Kali, Silat, Thai Boxing, Grappling and even a regular dedicated self defence course for non martial artists.
  10. pgm316

    pgm316 lifting metal

    Doesn't have to be just martial arts schools. Could share a premises with aerobic or yoga etc.

    Or better still having martial arts clubs that compliment each other ie boxing/Judo/weapons clubs along with your regular traditional martial arts.

    The gym I train at has loads of room for martial arts clubs, having a gym and MA's club combined would be something new and quite a selling point!
  11. JinkokMike

    JinkokMike New Member

    Sounds a great idea Romulus! However I agree with Falcore that cooperation will be the hardest thing to deal with.

    Anyways if you do go a head with the idea let us know how it turns out.
    Best of luck


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