built from bodyweight exercises?

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by tang_sou_dao, Jul 11, 2004.

  1. tang_sou_dao

    tang_sou_dao YoU cAnT sEe Me!

    is it possible to get built from doing bodyweight calisthenics such as chins, dips, hindu push ups and squats? Or does it stop as "toning"? id rather hear it from sum1 else other than sum1 trying to sell me their bodyweight workout such as matt furey. BTW this is for a 16 year old with no previous weights exercise or anything other than simple bodyweight exercises. thanks any ideas will be appreciated. :cool:
  2. Mo Lung

    Mo Lung Hard work!

    Up to a point, assuming that you eat big as well, you will get "built" - assuming that you mean a gain in muscle size. However, this will only benefit up to a certain degree. If you want to continue growing muscle size, then you will have to continue to increase the weight and continue to eat big for gains. You can move on to weighted exercises, such as pull ups with a weight belt on and stuff like that, but you will eventually need to lift weights if you want to continue gaining size.

    Of course, you need to ask yourself what you really want. If you want pretty beach muscles, then just get straight into the gym and work on isolation lifts right away. If you want functional strength and ability, with some bulking up as a side effect, then get onto a good bw routine and build up to include weight training as well.
  3. Bruce_Wee

    Bruce_Wee New Member

    if you want a body like Arnold Schwarzeneggar, then go to the gym (just don't take steroids), heh

    BW exercises are great too, handstand push-ups, one armed push-ups, chin-ups, weighted dips, weighted deep squats, one-leg pistol squats are just some of the good examples and they should keep you busy for a long while, cya.
  4. GhostOfYourMind

    GhostOfYourMind Bewaters lil Iron Monkey

    I would imagine it's possible. Using BW stuff and self resistance then yeah, I'm sure it can be done. It will take a lot of dedication on your part though. You can always have friends sit on your back if you get bored doing regular pushups too...great variation! :D
  5. Yukimushu

    Yukimushu MMA addict

    As far as im aware; no, its not possibly to get built from such excersizes. Why do you not want to lift weights? Lifting weights have helped me a great deal with my martial arts so far. Personally if you were after getting built i'd say lift weights.
  6. wayofnosword

    wayofnosword Valued Member

    i would say that bodyweight exercises are definately valueable. they make up a great deal of my routine, and i am quite satisfied with them. however, you should not neglect other excellent exercises just because they are not bodyweight ones. it is just one way to train, not necessarily the worst, nor necessarily the best.
  7. Mo Lung

    Mo Lung Hard work!

  8. Knight_Errant

    Knight_Errant Banned Banned

    Depends what you mean by 'get built'. If you want to get your builders to work on time, then cups of tea and bacon butties would be more effective. If you want to have a good, functional body, then it is actually possible. The principle at play is that instead of putting more weight on the bar, you simply switch to a harder movement. You can even add weight to bodyweight exercises with a rucksack or whatever. But why would you voluntarily do this when there is a much easier option? if you have no equipment or anything, yeah, sure go for the bodyweight. Some of those exercises are HARD- the one arm chin for example.Check out the 'weightless exercises' thread at the top of this forum. I believe this has been done before, actually, something like 'is it possible to get rippped using pushups' or something like that (No. You need to have quite serious accidents with meat grinders to get 'ripped'. For obvious muscles on the other hand...)
  9. Trent Tiemeyer

    Trent Tiemeyer Valued Member

    Why use bodyweight and bodyweight alone? I use it in supplementation to a plyometric routine for a six week cycle, then a six week powerlifting cycle. People tend to lean too far to one end of the spectrum. Both complement themselves very well if done properly.
  10. tang_sou_dao

    tang_sou_dao YoU cAnT sEe Me!

    well its the only option for me at the moment, i have dumbells bout i think the max weight i have is bout 6 kgs. Do boxers use weights as well as thier calisthenics? because most boxers are quite built. just wondering
  11. Adam

    Adam New Member

    If you by "built" mean having a body that will help in attracting silly females, then yes, it is possible to get "built" by bodyweight exercises. However, if you want the kind of body you can show off to other guys and crack nuts between your pectoral muscles, you need to add some kind of weight besides your own to your workouts.
  12. tang_sou_dao

    tang_sou_dao YoU cAnT sEe Me!

    ^good enough for me :D

    ok i will see how far i get with bodyweight exercises, and when it becomes purely only for endurance, and no longer for strength, size gains, i will buy some weights. Not enough space to get a barbell set of weights and not enough money to join a gym. Could always do some sang bag exercises, that'll build some core strength.
  13. Knight_Errant

    Knight_Errant Banned Banned

    Actually, you can often continue to see size gains by adding more resistance- 1 legged squats, handstand pushups, one arms etc. are all much harder.

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