And another 2 miles...

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by TheCount, Oct 17, 2007.

  1. TheCount

    TheCount Happiness is a mindset

    As some of you may know after a dirty knee injury I'm now allowed to do reasonable exercise so long as my knees don't complain whilst I'm doing it, so I just ran my second 2 miler of the University term.
    I've run 2 miles, 1 mile and then this 2 miles...
    2 miles in... 15 minutes 11 seconds,
    Thats down from 17m31s the first time I did it about 3 weeks ago.

    Yay :p
  2. narcsarge

    narcsarge Masticated Whey

    Nice time Count! 7.5 minutes is nothing to sneeze at! Good for you.

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