2014 Kuk Sool Won Master Promotions

Discussion in 'Kuk Sool' started by Xanth, Apr 3, 2014.

  1. Xanth

    Xanth Valued Member

    Congrats to all the Masters on their promotions!


    9th Dahn (SSKJN)
    Master SungJin Suh

    8th Dahn (SIKJN)
    Master Alex Suh
    Master Sung Gu Yea
    Master John Ives
    Master Kae Hong Kwon
    Master Philip Holmes
    Master Richard Roper
    Master Young Chul Song

    7th Dahn (JDKJN)
    Master Ed Sanchez
    Master Jerry Sallee
    Master Gary Evarts
    Master Jack Harvey
    Master Dan Middleton
    Master Sung Soo Suh
    Master Donald McCondach
    Master Tom Brewer
    Master Hafez Adle
    Master David William
    Master Steve Isaacson
    Master Steve Whiting
    Master Martin Ducker

    6th Dahn (JIKJN)
    Master Alison Ducker
    Master Victor Quarles
    Master Terry Heaps
    Master Karl Stolt
    Master Fritz Herrmann
    Master Lee Harvey
    Master K.C. McLean
  2. Dean Winchester

    Dean Winchester Valued Member

    Wow that's a lot.

    Well done to them.
  3. Xanth

    Xanth Valued Member

    Yes, I'm glad to see so many myself. It shows the strength of the Association and the desire of Kuk Sa Nym to reward those who choose to stay loyal. Hopefully someone else who practices within the WKSA will move to Las Vegas ! :) , at least a guy can hope.
  4. Dean Winchester

    Dean Winchester Valued Member

    What are the criteria for attaining those ranks?
  5. Xanth

    Xanth Valued Member

    I haven't seen a published curriculum in a long time; I believe the official master requirement chart is kept within the folds of the association. However here is a sample of some of the requirements:


    Congrats to all!
  7. aaradia

    aaradia Choy Li Fut and Yang Tai Chi Chuan Student Moderator Supporter

    :confused: They give out ranks for loyalty?

    You didn't mean this to come out this way, did you? Because it sounds like you are saying ranks are given out for politics rather than skill.

    I know nothing of your organization or style. I am just wondering about your statement. As an outsider, this statement doesn't sound so good.
  8. Dean Winchester

    Dean Winchester Valued Member

    Rank is frequently given out for political reasons, in many arts.
  9. Obewan

    Obewan "Hillbilly Jedi"

    I think probably all arts. In most, and Kuk Sool Won in particular you have to remain active and continue to teach. You must also attend seminars, tournaments, and workshops. Master level (5th degree) is just another step, albeit a major step in the development of a MAist. Progression through the ranks of master 5 - 9 is measured in skill acquisition, promotion of the art, and passing the art on to the next generation of practitioners.
  10. Xanth

    Xanth Valued Member

    As Obewan said, loyalty means they stuck with it, they are active and most certainly earned the rank...I assure you, no one was just given those promotions.

    As for proof of that, the most loyal master I know was not on that list.
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2014
  11. Xanth

    Xanth Valued Member

    I also meant that the loyal ones, who stuck it out while the promotions were slow going are being rewarded now versus the ones who left and started their own organizations, gaining promotion that way.
  12. aaradia

    aaradia Choy Li Fut and Yang Tai Chi Chuan Student Moderator Supporter

    Ah, I figured it didn't come out the way it originally sounded. Thanks for clarifying.
  13. VegasMichelle

    VegasMichelle Valued Member

    I don't think the promotions in the WKSA were too slow, rather, they seem appropriate in most cases as the vast majority of the names above have 35-50 years of experience. I'd probably say that these folks earned their rank and were not rewarded rank.

    The 9th dahn promotion is pretty rare within WKSA. Outside of the WKSA, it is not so rare. In the United States, although the WKSA is the largest KS organization, by far, there are currently more 9th dahns outside of the WKSA than in...which goes to show the rarity of the 9th dahn within the WKSA and the tendency of those who leave to self-promote to get that rank.
  14. CriticalDog

    CriticalDog Valued Member

    Wow, K.C. is 6th dahn?!?!

    I feel old. She had just gotten her 3rd when I was training, way back in the day. She was always quite skilled.

    Does she still do the hair whip thing? :)
  15. Maggie

    Maggie Valued Member

    I always thought it was Leigh Harvey.
  16. Maggie

    Maggie Valued Member

    Hmm, being disloyal doesn't result in promotion, therefore...

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