140 lbs from 190 lbs. Too unrealistic of a goal?

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by Tian-Tian, Apr 23, 2009.

  1. Spinmaster

    Spinmaster Valued Member

    Yeah, I've heard that you lose a bit when you blend it, but I still think smoothies are great. They're certainly more healthy than many other snacks, and by blending different fruits together you get different flavors than just eating the fruit. It also has the benefit of portability - pour it in a cup and take it with you.

    @Tian-Tian: I don't think he meant to eat the blender. :hat: I'm thinking he meant just eat the fruit/greens regularly, without blending (which I addressed above).
  2. d0ugbug

    d0ugbug learning to smile

    LOL what kind of fruit do you eat that you cant pick up and take with you? :p
  3. chof

    chof Valued Member

    the trick is not eating between meals, skim milk, monitor every bit of food you consume your weight you will have to cut down to 1300 1400 at the most a day calorie intake, you have to educate yourself on food and eat fish chicken vegtables with no butter, you must turn your body into muscle get on a weight traing program cardio wont do it
  4. Spinmaster

    Spinmaster Valued Member

    Seriously, how practical is it to grab a pineapple on the way to class? Or to take a large quantity of smaller fruit along with you? I'm not talking just "I feel like snacking on an apple", but rather "I want enough fruit to fill me up for a bit".
  5. Coges

    Coges Valued Member

    Hey, hope you're feeling better. I almost feel sorry for you with so much information being posted.

    I would just say keep whatever you're doing simple. Don't over complicate things too much. Keep to the basic in vs out calculation. Like people have said, try to eat clean foods and maybe increase the exercise a little.

    It's brave of you to post this subject here, including pics, so make sure you do yourself justice and give yourself the best shot at reaching your goals.

    Good luck.
  6. Tian-Tian

    Tian-Tian Awesome 15 minutes a day.

    Just a heads up:

    WOAH this is a lot of information in this thread. :eek: Slow down, folks. I'm only one person, I'm not trying to change the world by losing weight. The world will not fall apart if I don't meet my goal.

    I really do appreciate everyone's comments. Really. Thank you all. :bow1: I will be getting to a scale within this week and I'll give y'all an update as to whether I've lost weight or not.

    For anyone who cares, I'm not sick anymore. So yay to that.

    Let's see... I'm in the middle of finals so I'm going to resist the urge to "snack". I've successfully cut pizza and chips from my diet. I'm watching my portions. I'm getting healthier foods into my diet the best I can.

    I haven't "stepped up" my workouts yet since I literally don't have the time to get down to the gym and whatnot (this will change once I'm home after finals are all over).

    So.... stay tuned? :confused:

    As for as my thoughts on this whole ordeal (should anyone be interested) : For me, this weight loss goal isn't just physical. It's a psychological thing.

    I must kindly remind everyone that I'm a very sensitive person. I've accepted the fact that I have a unique body shape and I will never be a stick. I come from a culture where food is a social thing. I happen to be a very social person.

    Do I excuse myself because of this? Yes and no.

    Yes, because that makes up who I am. I'm Hispanic. Tortillas and carne guisada and beans and rice and chicken and tomatoes (oh how I love my tomatoes! mmmm....). These are just a few foods that I enjoy. I'm used to eating in a group of people. You talk, chatter and eat. Good conversation and friends. That is my life. Work hard, play hard.

    No, because I want to lose weight. So I must do what I can to make the (seemingly) impossible happen.

    What will happen if I don't met my goal by August? Probably cry a little and be very frustrated, but I'll keep trying. It's all I can do. No one can shoot me down for not trying. And whether I am successful or not, I know that my family and friends will still love me for who I am and not by my weight/ appearance.

    Whether I can love myself fully and without hesitation, however... that's another question to be answered another day.

    Whew, wallpost. Sorry. Just needed to put that out there. :cool:

    Okay? So is everyone good? Good.
  7. chof

    chof Valued Member

    we dont care if you lose weight or not, your asking us for advice and we give it, you can eat what you want within limits, as long as you exercise, im sure people with respect you overweight or fit, the choice is yours
  8. Su lin

    Su lin Gone away

    Ok I see where you are coming on from and you will be able to achieve some results if you don't stick 100% to your plan but personally I think you are setting yourself up for a fail. That is a lot of weight to lose in a short space of time, and as you have your finals you really need to consider if it's possible as you will only end up beating yourself up for not losing the weight. I know as I have been there!

    Why not just give yourself a smaller target? The truth of the matter is: If you want to lose weight you need to be discplined- it's not being harsh, it's just the truth. If you can't be disciplined then don't beat yourself up about not losing the weight.

    There are times I would kill for a cookie or a piece of cake, I have a full time job and it stresses me out and sometimes I just want comfort food but I have discpline now and stick to a certain number of "treats" a week.

    Good luck with it Tian but I do have concerns about you setting yourself up for not doing this and achieving what you want. That's not me being harsh but me telling you that I have been there myself and failing and constantly beating myself up.

    You will get lots of advice here, it's a big site and people want to help, don't knock that.
  9. Knight_Errant

    Knight_Errant Banned Banned

    On a slightly lighter note, there is one surefire way I know to lose weight: become poor.
  10. Gary

    Gary Vs The Irresistible Farce Supporter

    I don't believe that for a second, some of the highest calorie, processed crap is also the cheapest.
  11. Arnoo

    Arnoo Work in Progress

    I'm with coma on this one, its probaly more likey to be the other way around.
  12. Spinmaster

    Spinmaster Valued Member

    That's a bit nasty, man. Sure it's up to Tian to achieve her goal, but I imagine it helps to know you got folks rooting for you! :)
  13. Knight_Errant

    Knight_Errant Banned Banned

    Really? I've lost 1 and a half stone since I've needed to pay my own bills. Mind you, I'm eating noodles, vegetables and the occasional can of tuna or something as opposed to cheap processed crap. And I'm paying the bills by doing farm labouring. It's all a question of how one approaches these things, I suppose.
  14. Tian-Tian

    Tian-Tian Awesome 15 minutes a day.

    I weighed myself today!

    Hey y'all! Heads up.
    So. Went to Hapkido today. Had a great class. Worked really hard and I'm ready for my final/belt test this Thursday (Grandmaster Yoon said so :hat:).

    After class, in the locker rooms, one of the girls commented that, over the semester, I had really shaped up and it looked like I had lost some weight. Awesome. That made my morning right there.

    So I go down the hall to weigh myself....
    I GAINED a pound. GAINED. Crushing, utter, defeat from numbers on a scale.

    So now I'm not 190 lbs. but 191 lbs. Aren't you just so dagum proud of me.

    I think what's more frustrating is that I don't really LOOK overweight, but I feel overweight. Overriding this is the fact that I have made the extreme effort to change my diet. As we speak I'm downing a salad (no dressing) just to prove a point.

    Yeah, yeah some of you will probably say that I should just give up. That it's not possible. That I should go back to eating sweets and give up hope on ever losing weight. You'll probably silently gloat to yourself and think that, for maybe once in your life, you were right about something.

    Guess what?

    I'm not quitting.

    Also, I'm glad at least some of y'all are behind me on this. Thanks, guys. :cool:

    So what's next for this load of lard?

    Get through finals.
    Go home.
    Get a job.
    Work out more.
    Keep eating healthy.
    Be happy?

    .... we'll work on that last one.
  15. Su lin

    Su lin Gone away

    You been keeping that food diary?
  16. Tian-Tian

    Tian-Tian Awesome 15 minutes a day.

    To be frank, no. Keeping it made me feel absolutely awful and paranoid about what I was eating, even the healthy stuff. I value my self-worth a bit more than I probably let on.
    Maybe my lack of losing weight lies in that.

    Guess we can't all be winners.
  17. Su lin

    Su lin Gone away

    It shouldn't matter - food is food- it's fuel and that's it. I understand that people attach emotions to eating but that's half the battle. You need to be open and honest with what you eat- you can probably even work out when you feel low etc depending on what you eat- that's what I do anyway. If I feel tired/shattered I look at what I have eaten- have I eaten enough, what have I eaten out of the ordinary and I can work out what I need to alter in my eating plan.

    Self worth has nothing to do with what you eat,well it shouldn't do anyway.

    You seem to be pretty good at finding excuses and feeling sorry for yourself? Then you beat yourself up because you got down and ate something etc etc.

    And we can all be winners actually, it's mental attitude and strength of character that distinguishes winners from others who don't achieve their full potential.

    Important question here: Which parts of the advice on the thread did you follow?
    Last edited: May 5, 2009
  18. chof

    chof Valued Member

    thats how much i weigh, im a guy and 6 ft tall
  19. Tian-Tian

    Tian-Tian Awesome 15 minutes a day.

    Chof. I'm female, much shorter than you and way younger. Just fyi.

    Su lin, I followed the "don't eat sweets and junk foods" advice. That seemed to be the general consensus. I got my lean meats in. I cut back on portions. I went hungry. I worked out. I've drank gallons and gallons of water each day. Either I'm not genetically designed to lose weight or I'm still not doing something right. Sure, I cheated here and there and had a sweet or two, but dagummit that can't possibly be the only culprit. It just doesn't make sense because I burned those things off.

    I'm not sorry for feeling down. I will take my emotions and channel them into a productive outlet of cutting back even more. Being stricter with myself.

    I'm just very frustrated, is all.
  20. Gary

    Gary Vs The Irresistible Farce Supporter

    +1 for a food diary, keeping a record is the only sure way to know if you slipped up and by how much. It gives yourself accountability too.

    Do you usually weigh yourself in the morning? Weighing yourself after training might be flawed anyway, we gain weight during the day anyway. If you're comparing an old morning weight of 190 with a new afternoon weight of 191 I'd bet you've lost fat overall.

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