etiquette question ?

Discussion in 'Thai Boxing' started by moritzin, Oct 7, 2005.

  1. moritzin

    moritzin New Member

    Im in muay thai kickboxing and i just bought a muscle shirt (the ones with no sleeves). should i trim my arm pit hair? is there a proper etiquette? i know you must have no toe nails and such? thanks

    I know this will get some laughs but o well lol

    Last edited: Oct 7, 2005
  2. |MT|omar

    |MT|omar Thai Boxer

    You shoud prob ask ur instrutor... we dont have to where i train, then again we dont practice the clinch as much as wel do kicks, knees, elbows and punches

    Also, mods might wanna move this into the Muay Thai or Kickboxing section, it's probably more relavent there
  3. slipthejab

    slipthejab Hark, a vagrant! Supporter

    This post will no doubt bring some laughs.

    but seriously...

    Many westerners that live in the tropical parts of asia and are clued up... do just that.The main reason for shaving your armpits down to the bare skin are because you will have far less funk.

    Normally funk is a good thing.. who could get through a saturday night without some Bootsy Collins or some James Brown. But the funk were on about is the kind you don't wannna be dealin' with. Neither do you sparring partners!

    So shave those pits. Get those bad boys so smoother than a baby's bottom!

    Follow these 6 easy tips for funk free pits:


    1) Trim armpit hair as close as possible. Take care... when trying this left handed in your right arm pit your left hand can suddenly go psycho and filet your arm pit! Caution is a must! - Note: this is best done at shower/bath time.

    2) Once the hair is trimmed close then grab a can of shaving foam and lather those pits up. A nice even coat.

    3) Use a disposable razor (or if you'r insanely brave or just have a deathwish... a straight razor)... and slowly start to take off any hair left down to skin. This will require patience and flexibility... shave cross pit... unless you're a contortionist it's the only way to go. Needless to say you will want to go with the grain and make sure to rinse the razor frequently... take care to make sure the razor runs perpendicular hair folices... you don't want the razor to run sideways on the blade... you can cut your pit which is not life threatening (unless you've gone to it with a straight razor) but more of an annoyance.

    4) Once you think you have a clean job done... give them a rinse with the shower head and run your hand over them... you want them smooth... nubile if you will. Any stubble will annoy you no end in public and will grow out to uneven hair... not attractive. If they're not smooth hit them again with the razor... at this point you may have to carefully work against the grain. Or the advanced technique of cross grain!

    5) Once everything is baby butt smooth and you've washed them off and they're good to go you'll want to hit them with a bit of lotion.. WHAT?!??!? That's right... unless you're super-freak you have never moisturized your arm pits.... so by shaving them the razor in addition to removing the pit hair will also have removed a bit of skin... this happens with any shaving... including your face... this is why moisturizing is so important to shaving overall. So grab the hand lotion and just a dab and your pits are moisturized... work it in... and let it rest for a bit.

    6) Now to the last step... deoderant. Generally you'll want to have deoderant and not anti-persperant on. Why? Because in Muay Thai you're going to sweat buckets anyhow through pore all over your body... so there's no use in dripping everywhere but your arm pits... you just want to avoid any odor. Obviously this is balanced by your diet and your armpit shave job... but a bit of deoderant is that extra bit of protection you need to feel ultra confident in the ring. Anti-persperant often times works by sealing off the pores so that the sweat cannot actually get out... the Japanese brands of anti-perspirant are notorious for being akin to spray glue for your armpit... waterproof, bullet proof... nasty stuff. You have to take it off with an angle grinder! So deoderant is all you need to top off your new slick armpit style.

    Good luck and post some shots when you get the time...:D

    Note the arm pit faux pax below! Not where you wanna be!

    MOD's - can we make this a sticky? :confused:

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    Last edited: Oct 7, 2005
  4. slipthejab

    slipthejab Hark, a vagrant! Supporter

    Obviously this bloke in the water polo gear is metrosexually clued up! :D

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  5. Peacemaker

    Peacemaker New Member

    I am so tempted to start a "Post your hairy armpits" thread.
  6. slipthejab

    slipthejab Hark, a vagrant! Supporter

    You could but it'd only galvanize the Smooth Operator underground.
  7. Dojo

    Dojo Shotokan fanatic

    Or you could go to a nice lady in a special beauty salon and get waxed :D

    Anyway .. I think a clean armpit is something not the related to etiquette, but to hygene. A clean armpit will make you feel better, not to mention the ones near you ;)
  8. slipthejab

    slipthejab Hark, a vagrant! Supporter

    An interesting note... I've read that Muslims are required by the Quoran to shave/pluck their armpits and upper lips and crotches while letting their beirds grow. Although I don't know that this is 100% accurate... It's also been said that there is no mention of this in Quoran and that it actually comes from Judaism... and that this is Biblical Sunnism.
    There is also a story of some men who were forcefully shaved.

    How's that for food for thought?!?! :eek:

    You gonna ask these guy is they shave their armpits? :D

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    Last edited: Oct 7, 2005
  9. Youkai

    Youkai Valued Member

    It'll also make your arms look longer :D
  10. TheCount

    TheCount Happiness is a mindset

    There is stuff you can buy from bodybuilding places that remove hair like you put it one and when you wash it off the fair goes with
  11. Yohan

    Yohan In the Spirit of Yohan Supporter

    If I had a fair in MY armpit, I sure as hell wouldn't want to wash it off.

    Seriously though, its called nair.
  12. Lord Spooky

    Lord Spooky Banned Banned

    Sure it's not Immac/Veet :D :D
  13. adouglasmhor

    adouglasmhor Not an Objectivist

    I have shaved in the past, but a lady friend of mine is going to wax me next week, I have actualy had half a dozen women offer to wax me recently when they saw how hairy I am.
  14. Gray

    Gray New Member

    I don't have very much armpit hair to begin with, but... I don't think I'd want to be shaving it. I'm a MANLY MAN, you know...

  15. fugepilot

    fugepilot New Member

    With all due respect slip :D , what's wrong with using an electric razor? :Angel:
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2005
  16. slipthejab

    slipthejab Hark, a vagrant! Supporter

    LOL! :D
    That's what they all say.
  17. slipthejab

    slipthejab Hark, a vagrant! Supporter


    Electric shmectric!

    You gotta bump it old school style! :D
  18. TomB

    TomB Train Hard, Fight Easy

    yeah abit of bootsy and james that where its at :love:
    seriously i dont wanna be grappling with any funky guys
  19. Gray

    Gray New Member

  20. NaughtyKnight

    NaughtyKnight Has yellow fever!

    Slip knows where its at. Anyone that uses an electric razor should be shot. There is nothing like a having a piece of sharpened metal quivering next to your jugular.

    Love this thread so far, Slip, you know ill be taking your advice. :D

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